Azule Dario - Quadras


We are proud to share worldwide talent by featurint this release from a great producer and rapper from MEXICO! 

Producer Profile:

Thank you for appreciating my work; it truly came from the heart. My song "Cuadras" was produced a year ago in Mexico City, specifically for a mixtape. I'd like to share that the word "cuadras" refers to a neighborhood or block, and that's exactly what I named the instrumental beat after. I drew inspiration from my old neighborhood, my personal experiences, and my artistic evolution.

In "Cuadras," I delve into the municipality of Naucalpan, a sector within the state of Mexico. This entire state surrounds the city and faces numerous challenges such as increased violence, limited opportunities, a scarcity of well-paying jobs, and general chaos. Life in Naucalpan is a constant struggle, with its residents fighting to make ends meet.

Sharing "Cuadras" with the world is significant to me, as the mentality in Naucalpan is often constrained by the aforementioned issues. I've been involved in the hip-hop culture in Naucalpan; I started with graffiti, then moved to breakdancing, and eventually rap. Throughout this journey, I've always recognized the importance of respect and individuality, which are at the core of this culture.

In my song, I've used musical elements that mirror the chaos, urgency, rawness, determination, melancholy, and gratitude that characterize life in Naucalpan. The lyrics touch upon my humble beginnings and my journey of personal growth.

The ability to perceive one's neighborhood differently from a distance and use the experiences and lessons learned as tools is a central theme. I discuss the limited opportunities and the plight of friends who fell victim to drug problems or ended up incarcerated due to the challenges of our environment. I primarily focus on those who choose to stay on the right side of the law in a place where it's incredibly tough to do so, working hard to support their families and striving for a better life in the midst of chaos.

In the music video, we aimed to capture the gratitude and relentless spirit of Naucalpan's residents, showcasing their determination and resilience, as well as the ingenuity born out of necessity and the kindness that often hides behind their stressed expressions. Love exists in El Barrio; it's just expressed in a tougher and more unfiltered manner.

"Cuadras" delves into the ongoing struggle of surviving, giving your best for loved ones, and making the tough decisions. It highlights the role of dancing, religious festivities, and their unique ways of finding solace and momentarily forgetting their problems. Hard work, cultural customs, and social values are essential aspects, and these are passed down to future generations who will continue to navigate their reality in this neighborhood.