Take your Sci-Fi score to the next level with my templates for Ableton, Logic Pro X and FL Studio - designed to help you create a truly epic soundtrack in minutes using the ideas from this tutorial: https://www.wemakedancemusic.com/en/sci-fi-score-template-for-logic-ableton-fl-studio-free-tut-lemt-31


Learn how to make Sci-Fi Score by watching our free live tutorial and study the Template for Logic Pro, Ableton, Fl Studio or the sample pack from the session to practice what you have learned. The Live Electronic Music Tutorials give everyone the opportunity to learn music production at their own pace anytime anywhere. Unlock the secrets of electronic music now.

In this episode i am composing a Sci-Film score from scratch using Logic Pro X and only its interna plugins and instruments. Each element will be crafted in real time in front of your eyes, we will go deep into sound design to create deep sound layers and still put a proper structu to create evolving parts to create different moments that will go along the images. 


0:00 Introduction 

1:05 Why do i make score not always EDM

2:01 Recording starting point keys 

3:33 Creating deep bass hits to shock the audience 

5:25 Movig forward with an idea and continue and save it

7:40 Recording and programing drums

12:36 Layering Sounscape drones

14:47 Adding a drum loop in the background

16:32 Adding a variable drum loop 

19:02 Recording and designing a space piano melody

24:29 Adding a sub bass pad 

26:56 Adding a vocal texture pad 

29:16 Final Toughts 

May the sounds be with you!