Progressive Breakbeats Logic Pro X Template:

In episode 40 we continue making a song we previously started but not recorded. The song is progressive breakbeats and features multiple synthesizers elements. For this episode we will use only Logic Pro X internal instruments and plugins.

We start this session by doing a mixdown of the parts we have, to do so we solo individual parts and adding them in the mix at the appropriate volume with some processing and equalizations.

We then move on to record a main lead for the song, we browse through a lot of presets in Alchemy and finally find something good and jam over the beat to record MIDI into the DAW. We then select and edit the part and create the final Lead that will be added to the song. We also look into the synth setting and play with the preset parameters without success!

We then start the song arrangement and that is all for this episode of the Jam Sessions!

May the sounds be with you!